Did you invent a robot that moves without wheels? Awesome! Share a video with us that tells us why you built your machine the way you did! We will send you a super cool wooden "I DID IT" sticker, and your prizes if you win! Please enter your info below.
Inventor's First Name (required)
Inventor's Home Town and State or Country (for example, "Cumberland Gap, TN" or "Ubatuba, Brazil") (required)
Where can we find your video? (required)
Enter the URL if you posted it on YouTube or Facebook, or if you emailed it to contest@tinkeringlabs.com just enter the email address that you sent it from.
We'll use this info to send you your sticker and any other prizes you win, and to contact you if necessary.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Phone Number