Introducing “Educators in Action”
One of the best parts of my job is that I get to meet so many interesting people. If you ever start to wonder where our world is headed, just spend some time with teachers who are using all of their energy and creativity to help children build the knowledge and skills that they will need to become fulfilled adults and productive citizens. It is hard not to be inspired.
So we have decided to launch a series of interviews with some of these amazing folks. I hope that other educators, and parents too, will find them interesting. You’ll learn a bit about how they became educators, how they are addressing their students’ challenges, and some tips that might be useful with the kids you work with.
We’re calling the series “Educators in Action.” Why? Because that’s what they are! Our first interview is with Rob Monahan, Director of Education at the Greater Ridgewood Youth Council in New York city. As is the case with so many innovative educators, his journey is a fascinating one. And, the impact he’s making is spectacular.
Check it out. And if you know another Educator in Action who should be included in the series, let us know!
Keep on Tinkering,
Matt Brocchini, Tinkering Labs